Instructor Resources

Access resources to help turn your continuing education proposal into an MLA CE offering, develop accessible course materials, and schedule practice sessions before you teach an MLA course.

MLA works with instructors to develop your course description and marketing text, ensure course materials are accessible, and plan and prepare to deliver webinars and instructor-led courses.

From Proposal to Course Description

MLA education committee members and MLA staff evaluate MLA Instructor-Led Course Proposals and MLA Webinar Proposals. If a proposal is accepted, staff work with instructors to turn it into a course description for MEDLIB-ED, our learning management system and course catalog, and to solicit material to use in promoting their course.

We send instructors a course description template containing guidance on writing a description and relevant material from their proposal, marketing and promotion questions, and the MLA Webinar Guide, if they are doing a webinar.

We work with instructors to create an engaging course description that informs MLA members and other health information professionals what they will learn, how they will learn it, and the benefits to their job and career of what they learn. We ensure that a course description addresses template guidance, learning outcomes align with course content, and that other aspects of good course design are met. Answers to the marketing questions inform the course description and help MLA create powerful messages to promote a course.

MLA Webinar & Instructor-Led Course Needs

If you are interested in doing an MLA webinar or Instructor-Led course and want to know about the needs for offerings in the MLA Competencies for Lifelong Learning and Professional Success areas, the Data Services Specialization, and the Systematic Review Services Specialization, please contact

Systematic Review Webinars

If you are doing a systematic review webinar for the first time, advice and guidance from a systematic review expert is available. For more information, please contact

Developing Accessible Course Materials

To meet MLA’s strategic goal of ensuring inclusion and accessibility to MLA offerings, we require MLA instructors to meet accessibility standards for documents and platforms used in webinars and courses and for communicating virtually and face-to-face with participants. The Education Steering Committee DIA working group led the work on meeting MLA’s strategic goal of ensuring inclusion and accessibility to MLA offerings, of which these guidelines are part. A member of the Accessibility and Disabilities Caucus provided expert guidance and made substantial contributions to the guidelines. Members of the Education Steering Committee, Accessibility and Disabilities Caucus, and others provided feedback on drafts of the software accessibility guidelines.

After your description is final, staff schedule your offering and preparation sessions and send you a contract and these documents:






Planning and Practice Sessions

Webinars. MLA schedules two Zoom sessions prior to your webinar. In the first session, about 4 weeks before a webinar, staff talk with you about your presentation, plan ways to engage participants, and give feedback on your slides. About a week before the event, you’ll meet to review slides and practice the activities you’ve planned.

  • Four weeks before your webinar: Planning Session: Discuss, plan, and provide feedback (30 minutes)
  • One week before your webinar: Rehearsal Session: Walk through and practice all activities. (45 minutes)

Instructor-Led Courses. Staff work with you to plan and deliver your course. They schedule a Zoom session to discuss how to engage learners before, during, and after the live virtual sessions. We discuss how to incorporate the use of Slack to send messages to participants and encourage dialogue and questions during the course.

Course Evaluations and Instructor Feedback

In four to six weeks after a course or webinar, staff send instructors student evaluations and a request for feedback on their experience working with MLA. The former helps you improve. The latter helps MLA staff work more effectively with instructors.

Please contact with questions or suggestions.

Sample Course Evaluations

For MLA Offerings

Question 1: Did the course meet your expectations? (Required) CHOICES:

  • Exceeded my expectations
  • Met most or all of my expectations
  • Met some of my expectations
  • Met almost none of my expectations
  • Did not meet any of my expectations

Question 2: Please describe how the course did or not meet your expectations. (Optional; free response)

Question 3: Please rate your expertise in the course subject NOW. (Required)

Novice – 2 – 3 – 4 – Competent – 6 – 7 – 8 – Expert

Question 4 : Please rate your expertise in this subject PRIOR TO TAKING THIS COURSE. (Required)

Novice – 2 – 3 – 4 – Competent – 6 – 7 – 8 – Expert

Question 5: What part of this course was most helpful? (Optional; free response)

Question 6: How could this course be improved? (Optional; free response)

Question 7: Please tell us how you intend to use or would like to use what you learned. (Optional; free response)

Question 8: I found this course to be engaging. (Required) CHOICES:

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

Question 9: Please tell us how the course was or was not engaging.

Question 10: How likely are you to recommend this course to a colleague? (Required)

  • Very likely
  • Likely
  • Unlikely
  • Will not recommend

Question 11: How did you learn about the course? Please check all that apply. (Required)

  • MEDLIB-ED Catalog
  • MLAConnect
  • MLA email
  • MLA website
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • X (Twitter)
  • Recommended by a colleague or supervisor
  • NLM or NN/LM website

Question 12:  Imagine that we are creating a FOLLOW-UP class designed just for you. What is the subject of the class? What do you hope to learn from it?

Question 13: What else would you like to learn that would help you in your job and in advancing your career?

Question 14: Please tell us anything else you’d like to share!

Instructor-Owned Course Evaluation

Question 1: Did the course meet your expectations? (Required) CHOICES:

  • Exceeded my expectations
  • Met most or all of my expectations
  • Met some of my expectations
  • Met almost none of my expectations
  • Did not meet any of my expectations

Question 2: Please describe how the course did or not meet your expectations. (Optional; free response)

Question 3: Please rate your expertise in the course subject NOW. (Required)

Novice – 2 – 3 – 4 – Competent – 6 – 7 – 8 – Expert

Question 4 : Please rate your expertise in this subject PRIOR TO TAKING THIS COURSE. (Required)

Novice – 2 – 3 – 4 – Competent – 6 – 7 – 8 – Expert

Question 5: What part of this course was most helpful? (Optional; free response)

Question 6: How could this course be improved? (Optional; free response)

Question 7: Please tell us how you intend to use or would like to use what you learned. (Optional; free response)

Question 8: I found this course to be engaging. (Required) CHOICES:

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

Question 9: Please tell us how the course was or was not engaging.

Question 10: How likely are you to recommend this course to a colleague? (Required)

  • Very likely
  • Likely
  • Unlikely
  • Will not recommend

Question 11: How did you learn about the course? Please check all that apply. (Required)

  • MEDLIB-ED Catalog
  • MLAConnect
  • MLA email
  • MLA website
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • X (Twitter)
  • Recommended by a colleague or supervisor
  • NLM or NN/LM website

Question 12: What else would you like to learn that would help you in your job and in advancing your career?

Question 13: Please tell us anything else you’d like to share!