Communities: Caucuses
MLA caucuses are groups of members who coalesce around major themes of long-term concern to the membership, such as library specialties, or medical librarian activities and services. Caucuses may also coalesce around specialized or topical themes of concern, or affinity with specific groups.
Caucus members share information with each other and the general membership in order to educate, strategize, and further the aims of the Association. MLA’s caucuses play a big part in why members consider MLA their professional home. Caucuses are where members can gain advice, problem solve, expand their professional network and share ideas and resources that help them do their jobs better. Members also build friendships, find peer recognition, and sometimes add a little fun and laughter to their day while engaging with fellow caucus members.
MLA’s Community Council provides oversight and guidance in how MLA’s caucuses are created, organized, and governed. MLA’s Community Council and Caucuses adhere to board-approved policies in Policies Governing Caucuses and Community Council
Communities Expense Request Form
Caucus Modification Request Form
MLA members may join any MLA caucus free of charge.
Viewing all groups that are Caucuses
Information professionals engaged in creating, supporting, and learning systematic review methods... View more
Colleagues discuss and engage on all forms of artificial intelligence (AI) relevant to... View more
Colleagues interested in the professional development needs of academic librarians or those interested... View more
Colleagues that supports the interests and concerns of librarians responsible for services to the... View more
Individuals dedicated to providing leadership and support around issues of accessibility and disability.
Information professionals who serve healthcare associations, medical societies, corporations, and the public.
Information specialists in veterinary medical libraries, animal health, IACUC involvement, and One Health.
Individuals interested in providing leadership within the association about trends and issues related... View more
Exchange of information on the research, development, and applications related to technology,... View more
Colleagues who supports technical services librarians with education, leadership opportunities... View more
Information professionals interested in library-based information resources and communications with... View more
Colleagues with a focus on facilitating discussion among members of trends, challenges, & developments... View more
Librarians in the area of consumer health information and an interest to promote the education... View more
Colleagues with an interest in promoting dialogue, networking, education efforts, and resource... View more
Colleagues who manage selection and retention of library materials who are involved with... View more
Professionals who promote research and networking on computer applications that enhance the transfer... View more
Colleagues sharing ideas and best practices that support patient care decision-making.
Librarians working in hospital libraries and who support cooperation among healthcare organizations... View more
Professionals who promote the importance of research and assessment to improve library practice and patient care.