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Submit a vetted COVID-19 Resource

Use this form to submit a vetted and useful COVID-19 resource to be included on MLANET. Please submit resources that would be most useful for your collegues, i.e. vetted and categorized by you. Site editors will consider submissions and update as possible.


Examples: FAQ answer, libguide, search string for PubMed, direct journal article about X topic, guideline for X profession relating to Y topic, abstract on PubMed, etc. Please be specific.
Provide as direct access as possible. Example: if a journal article, provide the DOI or direct link to the article.
This is optional, but helpful for curation/vetting.
Please be specific! Identify CC license or brief statement for use or reuse, e.g., "free to use/access".
Identify the creator of the resource (e.g., a libguide) or organization to be listed. Please, no acronyms only!