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Sign on to Authorship Statement

Endorse the MLA and CHLA/ABSC Authorship Statement

Librarians and information professionals have a vital role in the development of evidence synthesis publications, such as guidelines and systematic reviews. These contributions include refining clinical questions, identifying appropriate resources, performing comprehensive literature searches, providing reproducible search strategies, and writing the methods section of the manuscript.

In accordance with Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) authorship and contributorship guidance and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) authorship criteria, librarians and information professionals merit authorship on evidence synthesis publications, such as guidelines and systematic reviews, for their intellectual contribution to the final work.

MLA invites publishers, institutions, and information professional organizations to partner with us to ensure adherence to authorship criteria by signing on to the full statement.

Download MLA's Authorship Statement (PDF)

My organization approves and endorses the MLA and CHLA/ABSC Authorship Statement and we would like to be acknowledged as a co-signing organization.

Please note the organization name as it should appear as a co-signing organization.

Thank you for endorsing the MLA and CHLA/ABSC Authorship Statement. We appreciate your support!

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