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International Cooperation Caucus (ICC) Elections -- 2024 Call for Nominations and Self-Nominations

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings, please see the below call for Nominations or Self-Nominations for Caucus Leadership positions, thank you for your support!

Please email me to nominate yourself or any ICC member for the positions below.


Regards, Avril

Past Chair, ICC


International Cooperation Caucus (ICC) Elections 2024

Leadership Position Roles, Duties, and Time Estimates

Note Each MLA member may only hold 1 leadership position at one time, including across multiple caucuses.

Elected leadership positions open in 2024

Chair-elect (3 years - June 2024- May 2027)

* Time estimate for all 3 years as Chair Elect*, Chair, Past Chair

* ~25-40 hours per year spread over about 1-5 hours per month

* *Usually much less as Chair Elect, unless you choose to get involved in supporting a specific caucus initiative or to organize others in developing a conference program or immersion session, etc.

* Role and Duties as described in MLA Communities Policies -- Caucus Leadership Positions and Roles

* Year 1 as Chair Elect (2024-2025)

* serve as chair in the chair’s absence

* serve on the Caucus Executive Committee

* perform all other duties as requested by the caucus leadership

* Year 2 as Chair (2025-2026)

* preside over all meetings

* serve as the caucus’s alternate representative to the Community Council and to vote when the immediate past chair is unable to attend the Community Council meeting

* chair the Caucus Executive Committee

* submit a midyear executive summary and an annual report to MLA headquarters by the date requested

* Year 3 as Immediate Past Chair (2026-2027)

* represent the caucus on the MLA Community Council by attending the meetings of the Community Council

* represent the interests of the caucus and of the group as a whole during discussions, make motions, debate, and vote on Community Council issues on behalf of the caucus

* serve on the Caucus Executive Committee

* chair the Caucus Nominating Committee, unless otherwise stipulated

* transmit to the Community Council recommendations that have been approved by the caucus

* communicate Community Council business to the officers and membership of the caucus

* All 3 Years in cooperation with others in the ICC Executive Committee

* have general supervision of the affairs of the caucus between its meetings, fix the time and place of meetings, and make recommendations to the membership

* appoint caucus domain hub delegate or delegates to each associated domain hub; caucuses shall define the nominating process for making these appointments, and domain hub delegates shall be appointed from among caucus members

* establish or dissolve caucus committees, appoint committee members and leaders, or appoint specific positions; caucuses shall define the nominating process for making these appointments; and appointees shall be appointed from among caucus members for a term not to exceed three (3) years

ICC Nominee to MLA Nominating Committee (1 year)

* Note on this position:

* How this role works: Each MLA Caucus, Chapter, and other areas of MLA may put forward a Nominee for the MLA Nominating Committee. These nominees then form the Slate of Candidates for the MLA Nominating Committee that are selected via a vote.

* Eligibility note: Nominees must NOT have served on the MLA Nominating Committee in the past 5 years.

* → If you are elected as the ICC Nominee to the MLA Nominating Committee AND you are then elected to be a member of the MLA Nominating Committee, then the following applies:

* Time estimate:

* ~9-10 hours per year spread over about 1 hour per month from July to February or March (possibly more like 1-4 hours per month time if you agree to work on a project for the committee like updating a resource or tool)

* Role and Duties described in MLA Communities Policies -- Caucus Leadership Positions and Roles , MLA Communities Policies -- 7.9 Nominations to the MLA Nominating Committee , and MLA Committees Page -- Nominating Committee

* The MLA Nominating Committee is charged with preparing an annual slate of two or more nominees for each office to be filled. The committee also administers the election.


* Coordinate with the Community Manager and/or ICC executive committee to ensure meeting notes are uploaded to ICC files on the caucus website.

Deadline: February 23rd -- extended to February 26th


Contact Avril Reid, ICC Past Chair with Self-Nominations or Nominations of any ICC member/s for the positions above


Ms. Avril E. Reid

Head, Medical Sciences Library,

The University of West Indies,

St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I


T: 1-868 662-4289 (D) 1-868-645-3232 ext 5206, 5205


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International Cooperation Caucus (ICC) Elections -- 2024 Call for Nominations and Self-Nominations

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