AHIP Points Index

The Professional Accomplishment Points Index (AKA the Points Index) is your guide to documenting your professional accomplishments in order to meet requirements for academy membership.

The Professional Accomplishment Points Index (AKA the Points Index) is your guide to documenting your professional accomplishments in order to meet requirements for academy membership. You may also download a PDF version (386KB) for your files.


For New Applications, or Renewing at a Higher Level

  • Use the sample AHIP Points Tally Worksheet to help track your your accomplishments as you go–if you wish. You will not submit this worksheet, but will transfer this information to the online tally form you will see when you go to submit your application. Do not expect to submit the worksheet.
  • All claimed activities for new applications must be supported by appropriate documentation. This includes those applying for higher level AHIP credential. Annual Provisional-level renewals also require documentation for activities listed on the Provisional Renewal Form.
  • Appropriate documentation consists of only the documentation required as indicated for a category of accomplishment. Concise documentation speeds the review process. Reviewers will request additional information if necessary.
  • All activities must be conducted as a health information professional.

Activities Not Allowed

  • Activities that are part of your job or listed in your job description are not eligible for activity points.
  • Only professional accomplishments earned five years prior to application date are eligible for academy activity points. Activities older than five years will not be considered.

Activities With Restrictions

  • Committee service of less than a year cannot be claimed for academy points. For a multi-year term, you may claim points after each full year of service. You do not have to wait until after the multi-year term is finished to claim points.
  • You can claim points only for a role or broad category of activity and not for activities carried out as part of a role or broader activity. For example:
    • If you are the president of an organization and, as president, you wrote a column “From the President” in the organization newsletter, you can claim points only for service as president and not for writing the article..
    • If you are a journal editor, you can claim points only for being an editor and not for writing editor introductions to issues.
    • Ex-officio appointments will not receive additional AHIP points unless documentation is provided proving that the ex-officio role/duties went above and beyond voting or advising. Documentation must be a letter from current committee chair listing specific duties ex-officio performed or provided for the committee.

MLA Activities Required for Distinguished Membership

  • Activities marked with ♦ in the sections below count toward the Distinguished Member requirement of 5 points of MLA activities.
  • Activities marked with ◊ denotes an activity that may provide Canadian members and non MLA-members a way to earn the MLA activity points to satisfy the Distinguished Member requirement (for example, UNYOC committee member).

Final Recommendations

  • To be sure you have enough points, include a few extra points in your application. However, including an excessive number of extra points is unnecessary and may delay your review.
  • If you are not sure an activity is eligible for points or if you would like help interpreting this index and documenting your accomplishments, please contact the AHIP program coordinator.


I. Continuing Education

II. Individual Accomplishments

A. Teaching

B. Publishing

C. Meeting Participation

D. Professional Association Participation

E. Other Professional Activities

Professional Accomplishments

I. Continuing Education

The Credentialing Committee recognizes professional and individual accomplishments in six main areas for the academy.

A. Sponsored Learning

Sponsored learning encompasses all continuing education activities sponsored by an organization and not taken for academic credit. They include lecture series, year-long programs, MOOCs, institutes, seminars, short courses, and workshops.

  • Only fifty (50) points can be claimed for continuing education for any level of membership. Remaining points must be from professional accomplishments in other areas.
  • Continuing education that is related to one’s current job, such as teaching or learning to use the institution’s new accounting system, will not be awarded points. If the knowledge and skills learned in a CE are applicable to another library position, points will be awarded.

Points awarded: 1 point per hour of attendance

Documentation required:

  • If the course is approved for MLA CE credit: Copy of MEDLIB-Ed transcript (preferred) or Copy of MLA CE certificate.
  • If the course is approved for credit by NLM/CISTI or a provider accredited or approved by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, American Nurses Credentialing Center, or the American Psychological Association: Copy of certificate showing number of CE credits earned. The IPR form is not required for these courses.
  • If the course is not approved for CE credit by MLA or an organization listed above: Completed Individual Participant Request (IPR) form. Your reviewer will determine the number of points you are able to claim. Be aware that activities such as MLA journal clubs require submission of a completed IPR form.


  • Up to 30 points will be granted for a single activity (e.g., a week-long course, extended seminar, year-long program, or other continuing education activity, such as the Woods Hole Informatics course, MLA Rising Star program, MLA Research Training Institute, or NLM/AAHSL Leadership Fellows program).
  • Activities sponsored by the following groups are not automatically approved for academy points, although the sponsoring organization may apply for MLA approval:
    • Affiliated chapters and sections of MLA
    • International, national, regional, state, and local library groups
    • NNLM members
    • Vendors, commercial firms, governmental agencies

Even if these groups have not received MLA approval in advance, points can still be claimed. Submission of a completed Individual Participant Request (Form IPR) in addition to the certificate of completion is required in order for academy points to be granted.

B. Academic Learning

Points for academic learning are determined by number of credit hours awarded for the course and by whether the course was taken for credit or audited. This category includes all learning, including internships and fellowships, for which academic credit was granted.

Academic Courses Taken for Credit

one semester hour15 points per credit hour
one trimester hour14 points per credit hour
one quarter hour10 points per credit hour

Documentation required: Copy of transcript.

Clarification: Up to 30 points will be granted in a five-year period. Course should apply to an MLA competency or to some aspect of the applicant’s position

Academic Courses Taken for Registered Audit

one semester hour8 points per credit hour
one trimester hour7 points per credit hour
one quarter hour5 points per credit hour

Documentation required: Copy of transcript.

Clarification: A maximum of 30 points per five-year period.

C. Discussion Group Program

Participant8 points
Convener (includes 8 points for participation)13 points

Documentation required: Participant: Copy of MLA CE Certificate. Convener: Copy of MLA notification of Discussion Group approval form with applicant’s name as convener.

Clarification: Up to 24 points will be granted in a five-year period for participant, up to 26 points for Convener.

D. MLA Self-Directed Learning Program or Other Form of Self-Study

Points Awarded: 1 point per 3 hours of work

Documentation required:

  • Copy of MLA Self-Directed Learning contract and certificate of completion.
  • Non-MLA self-study programs require a completed IPR form.

E. MLA Independent Reading Program

Points awarded: 1 point per article and 5 points per book (to a maximum of 15 points per a five-year period)

Documentation required: Copy of MLA CE certificate.

II. Individual Accomplishments

A. Teaching

ActivityPoints per contact hourDocumentation required
MLA CE course developer/codeveloper2 pointsCopy of contract or letter of agreement or copy of title page listing name(s) and date of publication.
MLA CE course instructor/co-instructor1 pointCopy of contract or letter of agreement or copy of program or syllabus page listing name(s) and date course was taught.
Non-MLA course developer/codeveloper1 pointCopy of contract or letter of agreement or copy of title page listing name(s) and date course was taught.
Non-MLA CE course instructor/co-instructor1 pointCopy of contract or letter of agreement or copy of program or syllabus page listing name(s) and date course was taught.
MLA Living Library book/presenter1 pointCertificate from event organizer.

Academic Course Instructor/Co-instructor

semester course15 points
trimester course14 points
quarter course10 points

Documentation required: Copy of institutional verification or syllabus listing instructor name(s) or letter from institution.

Clarification: Credit is awarded for credit courses in health information science.

If claiming teaching points, please keep in mind that teaching done as part of your job will not be accepted for academy points. Before listing on your tally form, consider the following questions:

  • Does my boss expect me to do this activity?
  • Is this performed using work hours without taking time off?
  • Who’s paying me to teach this class?

Note: Please see below for guest lecturing.

Teaching-Related Activities

MLA Discussion Group Convener ♦

Points Awarded: 5 points for convening a group + 1–8 points for participating in the group.

Documentation required: Copy of MLA notification of Discussion Group approval form with applicant’s name as convener.

Clarification: Up to 24 points will be granted in a five-year period.

Internship/Practicum Supervisor

Points Awarded: 4 points per person supervised.

Documentation required: Copy of letter of confirmation, letter of appreciation, or other verification.

Guest Lecturer 

Points Awarded: 2 points per class hour

Clarification: Lecture must be  for a library science course

Documentation required: Copy of letter of confirmation, letter of appreciation, or other verification.

MLA Webinar Site Coordinator ♦

Coordinating webinar1 point

Documentation required:

  • Site coordinator point: Copy of letter of confirmation as a site coordinator.


MLA Self-Directed Learning Contract Program Mentor ♦

Points Awarded: 1 point for every 3 points awarded to mentee.

Documentation required: Copy of self-directed learning contract indicating the number of points the mentee earned.

Academy Mentor ♦

Points Awarded: 1 point per year, per mentee.

Documentation required: Copy of letter of assignment.

Clarification: Mentors can only claim points after they have completed a year of mentoring. Points cannot be claimed for volunteering to be a mentor.

Mentor: Other ♦

Points Awarded: 1 point per mentee.

Documentation required: Copy of Mentor Agreement. Letter confirming mentor status.


Clarification for all publications: A work must be published before points can be awarded; works in press or accepted for publication do not count.

B. Publishing


Peer-Reviewed Journals

Original research (single author)30 points
Original research (2 or more authors)20 points
Review article (single author)25 points
Review article (2 or more authors)15 points
Brief article, column, review author(s)10 points
Book or media review author(s)3 points
Brief column; fewer than 1,000 words3 points

Documentation required:

  • Library science journal: Copy of article title page showing author’s name.
  • Non-library science journal: Copy of article title page showing author’s name and proof that journal is peer-reviewed.


  • Letters to the editor do not count as publications.
  • Articles published in the research communications section of the JMLA and in similar sections of other peer-reviewed journals are brief articles.
  • You must include word count with the copy of the brief column.

Non-Peer-Reviewed Journals

Original research (single author)9 points
Original research (2 or more authors)6 points
Review article (single author)7 points
Review article (2 or more authors)5 points
Brief article, column, review author(s)3 points
Book or media review author(s)2 points

Documentation required: Copy of title page of journal and a copy of title page of article.

Systematic and Scoping Reviews

Peer-reviewed20 points
Non peer-reviewed6 points
Protocols (peer-reviewed)10 points
Protocols (non peer-reviewed)3 points

Published protocols can be for systematic reviews, scoping reviews, or clinical trials.

Documentation required: Title page of article and MEDLINE indexing information on non-library journals.

Bylined Contribution in Newsletter

Points Awarded: 1 point

Documentation required: Copy of title page of newsletter and a copy of page in which author’s name appears.


  • MLAConnect (formerly, MLANews), for example, is a newsletter.
  • Newsletter articles written as part of committee responsibilities are not awarded points. Points can be claimed, however, for committee work.
  • Articles in publications of an employing institution are not awarded points.

Commercially Published Books and Materials

This category includes directories, indexes and bibliographies.

Single author/editor50 points
Author/editor (two or three)25 points
Author/editor (four or more)20 points
Author of chapter (three or fewer)15 points
Author of chapter (four or more)8 points
Librarian selector (e.g., Doody’s)3 points per year

Documentation Required: Copy of title page showing authorship for books and also, if claiming a chapter, a copy of the chapter page in which author’s name appears.

Guest Lecturer, Non-commercially Published Materials

This category includes union lists, directories, bibliographies, indexes, and DocKits.

Compiler (three or fewer)15 points
Compiler (four or more)8 points
Serials holdings coordinator3 points

Documentation required: Copy of title page, verso, and table of contents.


  • Union lists compiled as part of committee responsibilities will not be awarded credit as a publication. Points can be claimed, however, for committee work.
  • Coordination of serials holdings will not be awarded points if it is part of one’s job responsibilities.

Software Development and Media Preparation

Points Awarded: 10 points

Documentation required: OCLC control number or copy of opening credits showing author’s or developer’s name. Do not send a copy of the program itself.



Editor/coeditor/associate editor50 points per year
Guest editor of one issue/editor of conference proceedings25 points per issue/proceedings
Guest coeditor of one issue/coeditor of conference proceedings20 points per issue/proceedings
Column editor/coeditor15 points per year
Referee/editorial board member15 points per year
Invited article reviewer1 point per article

Guest Contributor, National or International Newsletter

Editor/coeditor/associate editor40 points per year
Guest editor/coeditor of one issue20 points per issue
Column editor/coeditor15 points per year

Guest Contributor, Regional, State, Section, or Chapter Newsletter

Editor/coeditor/associate editor20 points per year
Guest editor/coeditor of one issue10 points per issue
Column editor8 points per year
Referee/editorial board member5 points per year

Documentation required:

  • Journal/newsletter editing: Copy of first page and copy of page on which editor’s name appears.
  • Invited article reviewer: Letter of request to serve as a reviewer.

Guest Contributor, Websites, Mailing Lists, or Email Discussion Lists

Discussion group or email discussion list owner or Announcement list owner: Fewer than 500 subscribers5 points per year
Discussion group or email discussion list owner or Announcement list owner: 500 or more subscribers10 points per year
List moderator (read, approve, post): Fewer than 500 subscribers10 points per year
List moderator (read, approve, post): 500 or more subscribers15 points per year
MLANET area editor15 points per year
Website, blog, or wiki manager or administrator; developer responsible for management, administration, design, development, programming, and technical aspects of a website.20 points per year
Website, blog, or wiki content provider, creator, editor, reviewer, writer responsible for researching, evaluating, reviewing, writing, and editing website content.5 points per year

Documentation required: Job and site descriptions and copy of letter or certificate of acknowledgment.

Clarification: Applies to work on health information-related national, international, regional, state, section, or chapter websites; mailing lists; email discussion lists; blogs; and wikis. Purpose of the site should be relevant to the profession. Work done as part of an officer or committee assignment or done as a part of one’s job is not awarded points.

External Book Reviewer

Points Awarded
1 point per chapter or article
10 points per book

Documentation required: Copy of letter of agreement or letter of acknowledgment.

  • Examples: serving as a mentor to medical librarians, students, new MLA members, MLA Resume Clinic counselors, MLA Colleague Connection mentors, and career fair presenters.
  • Mentors can only claim points after they have completed a year of mentoring or satisfied the terms of their Mentor Agreement, whichever comes first. Points cannot be claimed for simply volunteering to be a mentor.

C. Meeting Participation

Speaker/Poster Presenter/Immersion Session

Invited or contributed at national or international meeting5 points
Invited or contributed at other meeting3 points
Facilitated or moderated a paper session or panel discussion at a professional meeting1 point
Roundtable facilitator or recorder at a professional meeting
(maximum of 5 points per 5-year period)
1 point

Documentation required:

  • For all: Copy of program page on which contributor’s name appears or other evidence that presentation occurred.
  • For facilitator or recorder: Letter of acknowledgment or official notice indicating that recorder submitted required notes or facilitated meeting.


  • Author and coauthor earn the same points.
  • Meeting types include: national, international, regional, state, and local meetings.


Exhibit organizer
(maximum of 3 points/year and 15 points per 5-year period)
3 points per meeting
(maximum of 2 points/year and 10 points per 5-year period)
2 points per meeting

Documentation required: Copy of letter of confirmation or of program page on which exhibitor’s name appears.


  • This category includes exhibits at national, international, regional, state, local meetings, NNLM exhibits, and NLM database demonstrations.
  • Organizing an exhibit includes applying for funding, organizing site activities, and exhibiting.
  • Points may be claimed as an organizer or exhibitor for a meeting, not for both.


Per meeting day1 point awarded (maximum of 3 points per year)
Per conference (e-conference virtual registrants)1 point awarded

Documentation required:

  • MLA annual meeting or MLA chapter meetings: registration confirmation
  • Other meetings, including MLA e-conferences: registration confirmation

Clarification: Days spent in continuing education courses or special programs before or after a professional meeting do not count as meeting days.

D. Professional Association Participation

Professional associations include MLA, MLA chapters and sections, consortia, SLA, SLA chapters, ALA, ALA divisions, state library associations, regional medical libraries, ASIS, AALL, AAMC, AMIA, and AAHSL.

Points may not be claimed until the end of a year of service. In cases of multiple-year appointments, points may be claimed after each year of service. Please do not include a professional association activity if you have less than one year of service.

MLA National

Officer/director/board/executive committee member ♦25 points
Committee or jury chair/cochair ♦15 points
Special interest group coordinator ♦15 points
National local arrangements committee chair ♦15 points
Committee, subcommittee, jury, or workgroup member (includes representatives to international, national, and regional/state organizations)*♦10 points
Official annual meeting reporter or official e-conference (virtual) reporter ♦3 points
Official annual meeting videographer ♦3 points
Official annual meeting tweeter1 point per year
Judge for research papers/posters at MLA annual meeting ♦1 points per year
Abstract reviewer for research papers/posters ♦1 point per year
Contribution to RFI(request for information) statements1 point/statement

Documentation required: Copy of letter of appointment, directory listing, committee roster, or letter or certificate acknowledging past service.


  • Official MLA annual meeting reporters include MLA annual meeting newsletter contributors, MLA annual meeting bloggers, MLA e-conference virtual bloggers, and MLA annual meeting videographers.
  • *Includes JMLA article selectors for the Independent Reading Program 
  • MLA annual meeting activities will not be awarded points if they are part of a committee assignment.
  • SIG coordinators must demonstrate that their SIG was active at the MLA annual meeting. A copy of the page listing the SIG’s programming/activities from the annual meeting program is sufficient documentation.

MLA Chapters, Sections, Caucuses, and Domain Hubs*

*Note: Domain Hubs were sunset May 31, 2024. See eligible activity dates below.

Chapter, caucus, or section officer/council representative or alternate ♦20 points
Domain hub chair ♦ (Activity dates: June 1, 2020-May 31, 2024)20 points
Chair of section of a chapter (e.g., hospital library section of chapter) ♦12 points
Committee chair/cochair ♦10 points
Domain hub delegate ♦10 points
Chapter credentialing liaison ♦10 points
Committee, subcommittee, or workgroup member (includes representatives to international, national, and regional/state organizations) ♦ ◊5 points
Official chapter annual meeting reporter or official e-conference (virtual) reporter ♦3 points per annual chapter meeting
Judge of research papers/posters at chapter annual meeting ♦1 point per year

Domain Hub Transitional Roles (Activity dates: February 1, 2019–May 31, 2020)

Domain hub interim chair ♦20 points
Domain hub workgroup facilitator ♦7 points
Domain hub workgroup section/SIG representative ♦5 points

♦=counts toward the 5-point MLA activity requirement for Distinguished Member level.

◊=Activity may provide Canadian members and non MLA-members a way to earn the MLA activity points to satisfy the Distinguished Member requirement.

Documentation required: Copy of letter of appointment, directory listing, committee roster, or letter or certificate acknowledging past service.


  • Academy points for transitional roles including domain hub interim chair and workgroup participation may be claimed immediately. Points for permanent communities-related roles including domain hub chair and domain hub delegate may be claimed after one year of service as is standard academy policy.
  • Official MLA chapter annual meeting reporters include MLA chapter annual meeting newsletter contributors, MLA chapter annual meeting bloggers, MLA chapter e-conference virtual bloggers, and MLA chapter annual meeting videographers.
  • MLA chapter annual meeting activities will not be awarded points if they are part of a committee assignment.

National/International Associations Other than MLA

Officer/director/board/executive committee member25 points
Committee chair/cochair15 points
Special interest group coordinator15 points
National local arrangements committee chair15 points
Committee, subcommittee, or workgroup member (includes representatives to regional/state organization)10 points

Documentation required: Copy of letter of appointment, directory listing, committee roster, or letter or certificate acknowledging past service.

Chapters/Sections in Professional Organizations Other than MLA

Officer/council representative or alternate20 points
Chair of section of a chapter12 points
Committee chair/cochair10 points
Committee, subcommittee, or workgroup member (includes representatives to regional/state organization)5 points

Documentation required: Copy of letter of appointment, directory listing, committee roster, or letter or certificate acknowledging past service.

Regional, State, and Local Associations

Officer/director/coordinator/executive committee/board member20 points
Chair of regional/state section (e.g., hospital library section of state library association)12 points
Committee chair/cochair10 points
Committee member (includes representative to regional/state groups and RAC member)5 points
Consortium coordinator12 points

Documentation required: Copy of letter of appointment, directory listing, committee roster, or letter or certificate acknowledging past service.

E. Other Professional Activities

1. Formal Consulting

Points awarded: 1 point per day for each consultation.

Documentation required: Copy of contract or letter of agreement or report submitted.

Clarification: Maximum three points per client during a five-year period. No limit to number of clients per five-year period.

2. Funded Grants

Principal investigator/co-investigator10 points only in the first year funded
Key personnel5 points only in the first year funded
Proposal reviewer for granting agency/organization5 points for each year of service

Documentation required: Copy of letter from granting agency or letter of appointment.

Clarification: Points are only awarded for work on grants done outside of normal job duties.

3. Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Voting member3 points per year of service
Non-voting member1 points per year of service

Documentation required: Copy of letter from the IRB chair or equivalent.

Clarification: Points are awarded for people who are institutionally appointed voting members of their IRB or non-voting contributing members who participate on an IRB outside of their normal job duties.

4. Competencies Self-Assessment

Provisional Members1 point when joining acdemy; 1 point at end of provisional period
New and renewal members other than Provisional1 point per five year period.

Documentation required: Copy of Self-Assessment report.

Clarification: Members may earn a maximum of 2 points.

5. MLA Oral History Program ♦

Background research and interview3 points
Editing of interview2 points
Indexing of interview1 point

Documentation required: Copy of letter of acknowledgment.

Clarification: These points are only awarded for work conducted for MLA archival purposes outside of any work of the MLA History Committee.