DSS Level II Pathway

To make earning a Level II Data Services Specialization certificate more affordable, MLA offers the DSS Level II Learning Pathway: 7 Level II DSS required courses and 5 electives needed to earn a Level II certificate at a discount of 55%, PLUS, we waive the application fee (members: $99; nonmembers: $129) AND we include more electives than required and all electives we add in the year of your subscription to the Pathway, making the total savings even greater. You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your courses.

Purchase the DSS Level II Pathway here.

With the skills acquired in earning a Level II DSS certificate, you’ll build upon your Level I skills and be able to appraise data and data collection practices, evaluate and expand data services, and develop domain-specific data expertise. Your Level II DSS certificate shows employers, colleagues and researchers and others who work with data that:

– You have skills to engage across your institution and build alliances to develop and advance robust data services
– You are able to actively engage with researchers and students in advanced data management practices
– You have advanced skills across domains, including data collection, computational research, and other skills based on a curriculum customized to your personal interests
– You must earn your Level I DSS before you can earn Level II. There is no Level I Pathways. Most Level I courses are free from NNLM.

DSS Level II Pathways Courses

12 course are needed to earn a Level II certificate

7 Required Courses

  • But where is my data?? Teaching a two-stage search process for data search
  • Clean & Tidy Data: Making Data Usable
  • CURATED Data for Long-term Preservation and Public Sharing for Long-term Preservation and Public Sharing
  • Digging Deep into Data: Critically Appraising Data and Data Collection Methods
  • Uninformed Participants and Informed Choices: Social Media Data in Health Sciences Research
  • Working with Research Partners to Coordinate Domain-Specific Data Services (Recording)
  • Answering the Hard Questions: Prepare to Succeed in Developing Data Services


  • Getting by With a Little Help from Your (Institutional Research) Friends: Building Relationships To Advance Data Support

Any 5 of following electives

  •  Answering the Hard Questions: Prepare to Succeed in Developing Data Services (if not taken as a required course)
  •  Getting by With a Little Help from Your (Institutional Research) Friends: Building Relationships To Advance Data Support (if not taken as a required course)
  •  Grow Your Library’s Data Services: A Novice’s Guide to Data Competitions
  • Keeping It Private: Supporting Research Privacy and De-Identification of Shared Data
  • Preparing Your Workshops on the New NIH Data Management and Sharing Plans DMSPs
  • Sharing it Ethically: Research Lifecycle Support for Sharing Human Participants Data
  • Using Common Data Elements to Enhance   Research Data
  • Clean & Tidy Data: Getting Started with Spreadsheet Data
  • Supporting Cutting Edge Research: Finding and Reusing Climate and Health Data

Purchase the DSS Level II Pathway here.

For more information about the DSS, visit the Data Services Specialization page .

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed