Concerned about COVID? How to Register for MLA ’22 during the Pandemic

We realize you may be wary of long-distance travel, airports, and more crowded venues—and none of us know what changes the next few months will bring. If this sounds familiar, we suggest registering now for the virtual conference experience—and consider upgrading to an in-person registration closer to the conference date.

The virtual conference experience for MLA ‘22 includes access to papers, posters, lightning talks, streamed plenary sessions, as well as digital exhibit booths and evening events.

MLA’s full in-person experience at MLA ‘22 offers additional on-site programming such as Immersion Sessions, the Collection Development & Resource Sharing Symposium, a special public health session with the McGovern keynote speaker . . . not to mention in-person access to the exhibits, the Welcome Reception, caucus gatherings, book signings, and more!

Once you’ve registered for the virtual conference experience, the full in-person experience upgrade is available through March 31 (for early bird rate) or April 22 (regular rate). Review more details: MLA’s registration rates and policies.

However, if there’s a possibility you will attend in person, we recommend that you make hotel reservations and airline reservations as soon as possible. You also may want to consider adding a trip protection policy; please closely review the fine print to be sure you have the coverage you need.

We hope to see you in person in New Orleans! But given the uncertainty of the pandemic, we recommend registering for the virtual experience and revisiting your MLA ‘22 plans at the end of March or early April and consider upgrading to the in-person experience. This way you’re sure to have the conference in your schedule and you can begin planning.

Please contact Jim Westwood with questions.