MLA ’19 Books (& More) Recommended Reading List
This is a list of books, articles, and other materials mentioned on Twitter during MLA ’19 in Chicago. While I have tried to be as comprehensive as possible, it is possible I have missed items. OCLC WorldCat links are provided for more information about the books. Thanks to everyone in the Twitter community (#medlibs #MLAnet19 #bookrec).
- Anderson C. White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide.
- Awdish R. In Shock: My Journey from Death to Recovery and the Redemptive Power of Hope.
- Balogh EP, Miller BT, Ball JR. Improving Diagnosis in Healthcare.
- Banaji MR, Greenwald AG. Blind Spot: Hidden Biases of Good People.
- Belling C. A Condition of Doubt: The Meanings of Hypochondria.
- Biss E. On Immunity: An Inoculation.
- Bleakley A. Medical Humanities and Medical Education: How the Medical Humanities Can Shape Better Doctors.
- Bonato S. Searching Grey Literature: A Handbook for Searching Reports, Working Papers, and Other Unpublished Research.
- Chast R. Can’t We Talk about Something More Pleasant?
- Chugh D. The Person You Mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias.
- Crowlety-Matoka M. Domesticating Organ Transplant: Familial Sacrifice and National Aspiration in Mexico.
- Czerwiec MK. Taking Turns: Stories from HIV/AIDS Care Unit 371.
- DiAngelo R. White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism.
- Eberhardt JL. Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice that Shapes What We See, Think, and Do.
- Edwards ME, ed. Interprofessional Education and Medical Libraries: Partnering for Success.
- Ferlinghetti L. A Coney Island of the Mind: Poems. See also: Musto J. Dove Sta Amore and Lauter P, Yarborough R. The Heath Anthology of American Literature.
- Frimmer H. Bedside Manners: A Novel.
- Kahneman K. Thinking, Fast and Slow.
- Killermann S. A Guide to Gender Social Justice Advocates Handbook.
- Knaflic CN. Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals.
- Lee CD. Search Committees: A Tool Kit for Human Resource Professionals, Administrator, and Committee Members.
- Lorde A. Your Silence Will Not Protect You.
- Macy B. Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Company that Changed America.
- Malinowksy HM, Perry GJ. The AIDS Information Sourcebook 1991–1992.
- Montgomery K. How Doctors Think: Clinical Judgment and the Practice of Medicine.
- Nagoaki E. Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle.
- Neal JE Jr. Effective Phrases for Performance Appraisals: A Guide to Successful Evaluations.
- Ofri D. What Doctors Say, What Patients Hear.
- Okamoto N. Period Power: A Manifesto for the Menstrual Movement.
- Omnigraphics. AIDS Sourcebook 2018.
- Polaine A, Løvlie L, Reason B, Thackara J. Service Design: From Insight to Inspiration.
- Ross HJ. Everyday Bias: Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgments in Our Daily Lives.
- Ryan Madson P. Improv Wisdom: Don’t Prepare, Just Show Up.
- Schein EH. Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling.
- Sculman A, McMillen MA. Waking the Spirit: A Musician’s Journey Healing Body, Mind, and Soul.
- Soukup J. He She They-Us: Essential Information Vocabulary and Concepts to Help You Become a Better Ally to the Transgender and Gender Diverse People in Your Life.
- Steele C. Whistling Vivaldi and Other Clues to How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do.
- Thiederman SB. Making Diversity Work: 7 Steps for Defeating Bias in the Workplace.
- Tweedy D. Black Man in a White Coat: A Doctor’s Reflection on Race and Medicine.
- Watson K. Scarlet A: The Ethics, Law and Politics of Ordinary Abortion.
- Wilkerson I. The Warmth of Other Suns.
- Wilkinson RG. Unhealthy Societies: The Afflictions of Inequality.
- Wing D, Spanierman LS. Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation.
- Aronson L. “Good” Patients and “Difficult” Patients–Rethinking Our Definitions. New England Journal of Medicine. 2013 Aug 29;369(9):796–7.
- Blankstein M, Wolff-Eisenberg C. Ithaka S+R US Faculty Survey 2018.
- EDUCAUSE. 2019 Horizon Report.
- Global Libraries Program, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Design Thinking for Libraries (toolkit).
- Hess E. In the AI Age, “Being Smart” Will Mean Something Completely Different. Harvard Business Review. 2017 Jun 19.
- K. Kellogg Foundation. W. K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide.
- Lourde A. The Uses of Anger. Women’s Studies Quarterly. 1981 Fall.
- Ofri D. Doctors Have Feelings, too. New York Times. 2012 Mar 27.
- Riskan A, Erez A, Foulk T, Riskin-Geuz KS, Ziv A, Sela R, Pessach-Gelblum L, Bamberger PA. Rudeness and Medical Team Performance. Pediatrics. 2017 Feb;139(2):pii:e20162305.
- Rivenburgh Q. Like a Barrier Lifted: Top Surgery Caregivers Support Zine.
- Cohen L. Bird on a Wire. Songs from a Room. 1969.
- Padgett R. “The Story behind Patti Smith’s ‘Gloria.’” Cover Me. 4 Aug 2014.
- Smith P. Oath. 1973 reading (audio). YouTube.
For previous lists see: