Essential Partners in Healthcare Excellence

MLA has developed resources for hospital and health care administrators highlighting the mission-critical roles that health sciences information professionals provide in healthcare settings.


MLA Statement Calling on Hospital and Health System Executives to Fund Libraries and Library Staff

Excerpt from the statement:

“Hospital and health system executives must take concrete action to support clinical and administrative staff, patients and their families, and communities by funding hospital library services led by a professional librarian. Working together, hospitals, health care systems, and librarians are positioned to provide the resources, access, and support your health care teams can depend upon to provide evidence-based practice services that will support healthy patient outcomes.”

MLA Statement: Partner with Hospital Librarians

Co-Signing Organizations

If your organization is interested in co-signing this statement, please join us as an Essential Partner in Healthcare Excellence or contact Maria Lopez, Manager of Executive Operations.

Librarians: What you can do

  1. Reach out to organizations you belong to that would be interested in using or supporting this critical document.
  2. Use the cover letter to contact the leadership of the organizations you think may provide support by endorsing the statement.
  3. Or, if you are already in contact with leadership of a hospital or national institution, please ask them to complete this form asking them to endorse the statement and be recognized as an Essential Partner in Healthcare Excellence.
  4. Add the statement title (and a link to this page) with your email signature. For example:
    I support the MLA Statement: Partner With Your Hospital Librarian
  5. Share your enthusiasm and support of this statement. Reach out to Maria Lopez at MLA and with other ideas you have, or to let us know how your efforts are going.