Gwendolyn S. Cruzat MLA Scholarship

A scholarship of up to $5,000 is awarded annually by the Medical Library Association (MLA) to a student who shows excellence in scholarship and potential for accomplishment in health sciences librarianship. In 2023 the MLA Scholarship was renamed to honor longtime MLA member Dr. Gwendolyn Cruzat, AHIP, FMLA. Know as a global leader in the library profession at large, Cruzat is one of the few librarians of color recognized with FMLA. Read more about Dr. Cruzat on MLANET, Wikipedia, or in an archive of her papers and ephemera available at the Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan.


  • The applicant must be entering a master’s program at an American Library Association (ALA)–accredited graduate library school or, at the time of the granting of the scholarship (March), have completed no more than one-half of the academic requirements of the graduate program.
  • The applicant must be a citizen of or have permanent residence in either the United States or Canada.
  • The recipient may receive only one MLA scholarship in a given year.
  • Past recipients of the MLA student scholarships are not eligible to apply.
  • Membership in MLA is not required.

The Scholarship Jury will assess the application and score points based on responses to following questions:

  • What would receiving a scholarship from MLA mean to you?
  • What are your career and/or academic objectives? How do you plan to achieve your goals? Please describe current or future activities that support your plan. 
  • How have your career or academic activities, achievements, and contributions impacted the communities you serve? Describe how these activities, achievements, and contributions impacted you personally. You may include personal, academic, work-related or advocacy examples.


  • The online application must be completed, and all supporting documents uploaded no later than January 31.
  • The recipient and nonrecipients will be notified in March before the public announcement is made.
  • The disbursement of funds will not exceed one year past the date of the annual conference. Payments will be made in two equal installments:
    • The first is made in June after the annual conference.
    • The second is made after the fall semester when updated transcripts are received by MLA.
  • The recipient will receive a one-year student membership in MLA and free inclusive student registration to the association’s annual conference.
  • Depending on the qualifications of the candidates, the jury may recommend that the scholarship not be presented in a given year.
  • MLA will acknowledge applications upon receipt via email.  

Submission Checklist

  • Completed application.
  • Unofficial, or official, transcripts uploaded in the application from each college or university attended, including community college, undergraduate and graduate colleges.
  • Copy of library school’s catalog or web page, which states the number of credits needed for a degree, uploaded to the application.

NOTE: One application serves for three MLA Student Scholarships. One jury reviews all submissions to all scholarships. Duplicate submissions are not necessary. 

  • Gwendolyn S. Cruzat MLA Scholarship
  • Beverly Murphy MLA Scholarship for Underrepresented Students
  • Ana D. Cleveland MLA Scholarship