I Am MLA: Matthew C. Bridgeman

Submitted by Matthew C. Bridgeman; edited by JJ Pionke

Institution: Rutgers University

Title: Information and Education Librarian

Brief description of responsibilities:

I help students and faculty at the Rutgers School of Biomedical and Health Sciences. I do systematic reviews, research assistance, and provide evidence based, medicine instruction. I am also on the Open and Affordable Textbook Team for the entire University which has now grown into a passion for promoting open education resources. Finally, I run the Instagram for our libraries under the handle Rutgershsl.

Why is MLA important to you?

MLA represents an organization with smart and enthusiastic people. The association helps me connect with other librarians and learn new skills which makes me a better librarian.

What was your first library job or first professional position?

I worked as a part-time reference librarian at a community college.

What has been the most interesting project you have worked on?

Open and Affordable Textbook Program

What do you consider to be the most pressing issues or trends in librarianship?

Open Education Resources, Outreach, and Diversity

Bucket List:

I’ve been dreaming about going to the Galapagos Islands. It has been on my list for decades.

What do you do in your spare time?

I watch bad movies, good movies, obscure movies, popular movies, silent movies, color movies, foreign movies, nonsense movies and more!

What is the best thing you’ve read/watched/listened to recently?

A current record I love is Transgender Dysphoria Blues by Against Me! It is fantastic. If you had not listened to Against me! their whole catalog is spectacular. I also recommend you get a chance to listen to their cover of Wagon Wheel. Hands down best version.