If you have questions, hit obstacles, or notice transaction irregularities while using your EFTS account, please contact our EFTS administrator .
Please identify your LIBID in your communications whenever possible. (A LIBID, registered with DOCLINE, consists of six letters. Typically the first 2 letters are your state’s abbreviation, followed by U, followed by 3 letters.)
Account Access
To access an EFTS library account:
- The library must have an EFTS account.
- The individual must be authorized by MLA to access the library account, as directed by the library.
Authorized individuals access an EFTS account by logging into the EFTS website through their MLANET profile, using their profile’s credentials.
An individual may have access to multiple EFTS library accounts using the same MLANET profile and login credentials. If they can access multiple EFTS library accounts, they select the one they want to manage. They can switch from one EFTS account to another.
Each library can assign multiple individuals as EFTS managers to access a library account. Those individuals can upload ILL lending transactions, access dashboards and reports, and generally administer the operations of EFTS. Each staff member can get access to EFTS through their own MLANET profile.
However, a library designates one individual as responsible for a given EFTS account’s billing. This individual has access to the library’s Bill.com account, which is used as the financial gateway for EFTS.
For your security
- Access change requests to an EFTS library account must be requested by email from an institutional email account. Requests will be verified by the MLA EFTS administrator.
- EFTS logs every action performed on its platform, including by user.
Log into your EFTS Account
To access EFTS, go to efts.mlanet.org .
Enter your MLANET profile credentials if you are not already logged into MLANET, then continue to your EFTS account’s dashboard.
If you are unable to access because you are a new user or need help with your MLANET credentials, please email EFTS support.
EFTS Configuration
Logged into your EFTS account, you will find these 6 administrative areas and their key features:
Overview of current status, with funds available, transaction balances, and unsettled deposit activity (unpaid deposit invoices).
Financial history, including payments in and out for ILL activity. Note the filters for date, invoice number, transaction type. You can generate and export data here for reporting.
You also can use the “Deposit” button to generate a deposit invoice for any amount, anytime. Bill.com will send deposit invoices to the billing contact designated in Settings.
You may cancel a deposit invoice if it is not needed and won’t be paid. Old and misplaced invoices can be replaced by newer invoices in this administrative area.
Your history of unbilled, receivable, and paid lending activity and fees. For reporting, filters are available for date, request number, borrower, status, and amount.
You may also manually enter transactions here if they weren’t processed through DOCLINE.
For greater security, most libraries manually approve each transaction listed under “Unbilled.” Approval can be done in bulk using the checkboxes in the left column.
If a transaction fee needs adjustment, the “…” link under Action will open the transaction details and allow a fee edit.
After approval, a transaction’s status changes from “Not Approved” to “Unbilled” (pending transfer from the borrower’s account). The transaction should appear under “Paid” after funds are moved from the borrower’s account.
Note that any unbilled transaction 180 days or older will be automatically set to $0 (no charge) and approved. These transactions will then shift from “Unbilled” to “Paid” lending.
Similar to Lending, this area gives details on your borrowing activity and fees, and allows you to adjust parameters for reporting. The “…” Action option provides transaction detail but not editing. (Only the lending library can edit a transaction fee.)
Please be sure the information in your library’s Settings is up to date.
Library Address – Your library’s primary contact and contact details
Billing Address – IMPORTANT! Your EFTS billing contact and contact details, used for Bill.com communications and invoicing. (For your protection, only MLA staff can make updates to this area, per your written request.)
Deposit Settings – Confirms your account configuration. For Wallet configuration, it shows balance threshold for automatically issuing your library a deposit invoice and the amount of the invoice. You can adjust these amounts if you wish. (Invoice configuration is used rarely and must be arranged with MLA staff.)
ILL Transaction Settings – Confirms how your transactions are processed
ILL Pricing Table – Shows the standard amounts that your library charges for services, based on DOCLINE service types. The “Default Pricing Group” pull-down menu also lists any library consortia to which you belong, and the custom pricing you offer to each consortium’s members. You can edit these amounts anytime.
Custom Pricing Groups – You can create a library consortium outside of DOCLINE’s recognized consortia. A custom consortium can reflect your fee agreements with local libraries, for example, and other special library types.
Transactions – For miscellaneous transactions that may require attention
Learn More – A link back to these instructions, for your convenience.