Expert searching is an art. Learn from a master how to raise your skills to an expert level. From Terry’s over 20 years of teaching searchers to become experts, she has observed that many searchers tend to follow ingrained habits learned as novices and do not take advantage of all the tools and resources available to them. The Art of Expert Searching guides you in selecting the best database for a search, using the myriad of resources available to you, and developing complex, effective search strategies.
The course includes:
- Structured guidance on evaluating databases
- A realistic scenario you engage with to learn and practice searching skills
- Forms and worksheets you can download and use for your search
- Recommended Resources for further learning
- Self-assessment of skills, pre and post
Learning Outcomes
After you have completed the course, you will be able to:
- Evaluate a bibliographic database to determine its relevance to addressing a clinical or research question
- Utilize tools and features unique to a bibliographic database to conduct an effective search
- Construct complex search strategies using natural language and controlled vocabulary strategies
- Maximize search results by manipulating building blocks using pearl growing and successive fractions approaches
Health sciences librarians relatively new to searching and experienced searchers looking to take their searches beyond PubMed.
MLA CE Credits 1.5
Subject Matter Expert

Terry Ann Jankowski, AHIP, FMLA, is a recognized expert in the field of database searching. She has written two books on searching– Expert Searching in the Google Age and The Medical Library Association Essential Guide to Becoming an Expert Searcher–and co-authored articles and posters on database searching, reference services, and user experience. She taught an MLA expert searching course at annual meetings for many years and edited a column on expert searching in MLA News for 10 years.
The team that created The Art of Expert Searching: Searching Beyond PubMed
Terry Ann Jankowski, Subject Matter Expert
Jeanne Bernui, Instructional Designer
Jorge Perez, MLA Information Services Committee Representative
Staff support:
Deb Cavanaugh, MLA Director, Professional Development
Barry Grant, MLA Director, Education