My Favorite Tool Session Now Accepts Virtual Contestants!

mla18.jpgAre you experiencing FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)? Maybe all your colleagues and professional friends are attending MLA ’18, but this year will not work for you.

Don’t worry…the Educational Media and Technologies Section has a solution for you! Virtual contestants are now being accepted for the “My Favorite Tool” session on Sunday, May 20, from 3:00 p.m.–4:25 p.m., eastern time.

Virtual contestants must put together and upload the video themselves by Monday, May 14, 2018, and join the webinar for the entire My Favorite Tool session.

Are you struggling to identify a tool? Contestants will present on apps that they have developed, projects on social media, notetaking software (i.e., Notability), polling software (i.e., Poll Everywhere), and tools for assisting with systematic reviews.

If you have an idea about a project or tool that you use, feel free to contact Margaret Hoogland (,, or 419.383.4214), and she will be happy to let you know, if it is still available to be presented. Please complete this form today, if you are interested in being a contestant.

We look forward to seeing you in May!