MLA Nursing and Allied Health Resources and Services Caucus Statement

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are values of the Nursing and Allied Health Resources and Services Caucus (NAHRS). In accordance with MLA’s vision and values, NAHRS interprets diversity as understanding, accepting, and valuing differences that include race and ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, political beliefs, language, culture, nationality, age, ability status, and religion. It interprets equity as taking differences into account to ensure fair and impartial processes and outcomes, and equal opportunity. And it interprets inclusion to mean all individuals are treated fairly and respectfully. As such, we condemn racism and social injustice.

The recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery show a disturbing pattern and are proof that an intentional focus on our values is needed now. We realize nothing we can say can heal the deep pain and fear of our members, but we can and will recognize injustice and actively and purposefully apply the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion every day.

We encourage our members to learn more about these issues and collaborate with local entities to create resources and programming to help address them; in addition, take actions beyond words such as donating, signing petitions, safely attending protests, and exercising your civic duties. We can each be a difference for positive change. NAHRS stands in solidarity with the African American Medical Librarians Alliance (AAMLA) Caucus and the many other caucuses who have put forth statements condemning police brutality and racial injustice. We encourage dialogue from our members on what NAHRS can do to support positive lasting change within MLA and our society.

At your service,
Michelle R. Lieggi, AHIP, Chair, on behalf of NAHRS leadership