MLA Libraries in Health Sciences Curriculums Caucus Statement

The Libraries in Health Sciences Curriculums Caucus (LiHSC) stands in solidarity with theĀ African American Medical Librarians Alliance (AAMLA) Caucus and the many MLA members and caucuses who have already put forth statements condemning police brutality. Our statement, focusing on health sciences education, is below.

As medical educators and information professionals, we in LiHSC condemn racism and stand in support of Black Lives Matter. Our caucus seeks to foster diversity and inclusion not only within our ranks, but within the health sciences schools and colleges we serve. We recognize that teaching is an opportunity to facilitate critical thinking and examination of existing power structures. To this end, we pledge to work to ensure that we use our voices as educators to promote the values of equity in health care and society, and to elevate and center the perspectives of marginalized groups.

To our communities that are hurting, we hear you and we see you, and we are here to support you. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments.

Laura Menard, Chair
Laura Zeigen, AHIP, Chair-Elect