I Am MLA: Danielle Linden

Submitted by Danielle Linden, AHIP; edited by JJ Pionke.

Institution: Providence St. Joseph Hospital

Title: Medical Library Manager

Brief description of responsibilities:

I’m part of a larger team of librarians and specialists that serve the Providence Health System, including 51+ acute care ministries. My day-to-day work includes literature searching, technical support/troubleshooting, instruction, and reference.

Why is MLA important to you?

I’ve been a member of MLA since 2006. I’ve grown my professional and leadership skills through participation in MLA caucuses and my local chapter. The educational offerings provided by MLA have been invaluable. I’ve been able to show my employers that I’m committed to career growth and professional excellence through certification in the Academy of Health Information Professionals. MLA has allowed me to build connections with colleagues, often leading to lasting friendships!

Why did you become a librarian?

When I was 5, I said I wanted to become a librarian. I didn’t think much about that again until I was working at a bookstore and finishing my undergraduate degree. I had two friends that started library school and thought, I could do that too!

What was your first library job or first professional position?

My first professional job out of library school was at a document delivery vendor in Southern California. I was a “reference specialist.”

What is your advice to someone taking on a new role in leadership in MLA or in some other capacity?

Keep an open mind, do more listening than talking, take advantage of classes and other opportunities to build leadership skills, stick to your commitments.

What do you consider to be the most pressing issues or trends in librarianship?

Two issues: the loss of hospital libraries/librarians and the culture of “disinformation.”

Bucket list:

Running a trail ultramarathon, visiting Hawaii & maybe Greece.

What do you do in your spare time?

I’m a runner. I’ve run several marathons (slowly!) but prefer to just go out for a nice 6 miler on the weekend. I’m also a thrift store junkie, and I enjoy a Cadillac margarita now and then.

What is the best thing you’ve read/watched/listened to recently?

During the pandemic I started watching/listening to DJs/VJs on Twitch, and I’ve been exposed to a lot of great new music I wouldn’t have been exposed to otherwise. I’ve missed live concerts and look forward to getting back to them later this year.

Is there anything about you that others might be surprised to know?

I have four cats: Gouglas, Gracie, Stan & Mimi and one California desert tortoise, Chuy.

Additional comment:

Get involved with your local MLA chapter. I credit a fair amount of where I am career-wise to the connections I’ve made with librarian peers.