AAMLA Statement in Solidarity With the Citizens of Buffalo

The African American Medical Librarians Alliance (AAMLA) is saddened that our statement released on June 2020 is still so painfully relevant today in the wake of the attacks of Black citizens in Buffalo and the terrorizing of other communities over the past week.

We would like to encourage colleagues to donate towards efforts that help provide access to food. With Tops Supermarket closed, Buffalo’s East side is re-experiencing becoming a food desert. Here is a group you can donate to: https://www.feedmorewny.org/, and a list of local food pantries that was shared by the Frank E Merriweather Jr Library, which is a block from the tragic event.

For more information and resources to support the Buffalo community, please see the list below of resources prepared by Chelsea Misquith for the Social Justice Caucus.

Sincerely and in solidarity,

Carl Leak, Chair

Michael S. Fitts, Chair-Elect 

Kelsa Bartley, Immediate Past Chair

Tara Douglas-Williams, AHIP, Caucus Mentor

Beverly Murphy, AHIP, FMLA, MLA Past President, Incoming Chair Elect

Tamara Nelson, AHIP, MLA Information Services Domain Hub Chair, Virtual Engagement Committee Member

Aidy Weeks, AHIP, Caucus Member


Resources to support the Buffalo community

Prepared by Chelsea Misquith for the MLA Social Justice Caucus and printed with permission.

1. This article has a listing of GoFundMes, organizations and community-driven initiatives that are still accepting donations.

2. This link by ADL has some information (with linked toolkits) on how to talk with young people, about white supremacist extremism, race/racism, and gun violence/mass shootings.

3. An article about the people who were killed and injured, including statements from the loved ones of those lost.

Please contribute however you can, and join MLA in honoring those whose lives have been impacted by this attack.