I Found a New eCompanion!
Julia Dahm of the University of Pitsburgh Health Sciences Library System presented eCompanion (ecompanion.pitt.edu) – a 3-year project designed to create and provide a free point-of-care resource for physicians who may not have access to the other pricey options. Federal funds assisted the project team in doing the Feasibility Study, the Demonstration and Evaluation Study, and the Validation Study.
The team recruited study participants and utilized a questionnaire as the study tool. Likert scaled questions measured use and performance and Google Analytics was used for data analysis. While the majority of participants had access to licensed point-of-care resources, more than half agreed that they could make better patient care decisions using this tool. More than half said they would recommend this to a colleague.
Julia encouraged the audience to try the resource and utilize the information. The tool is easy to use and offers access to freely available, high-quality information resources including NLM and other government databases. I did a few searches in eCompanion and was impressed with the results. I will make sure to add this to my point-of-care library!