This class (formerly Providing Multilingual and Multicultural Health Information) is designed to assist librarians and others who work with diverse populations in locating health information. The resources presented are selected for their emphasis on providing culturally relevant information in the preferred language of the population. Background information on refugees and immigrants in the U.S. and their unique health issues will be presented. Participants will have the opportunity to become familiar with the features and scope of several Internet resources. The class will be taught via Moodle and includes short readings, videos, and activities.
Course URL:
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of the class, participants will be able to:
• Describe the current landscape of refugees, immigrants, and migrant and seasonal farmworkers in the United States
• Explain the difference between cultural competence and humility and how they influence workplace environments
• Identify reliable websites that provide quality health information in multiple languages
• Apply what is learned in order to develop an outreach project or service
The course is divided into four training modules. Each module is expected to take approximately one hour, including assignments.
Module 1: Background and U.S. Data
Module 2: Cultural Competence
Module 3: Health Information Resources
Module 4: Putting it All Together
MLA CE Credits: 4