MLA Librarians without Borders®/ Elsevier Foundation/ Research4Life Grants

The Medical Library Association (MLA) established the MLA Librarians without Borders®/ Elsevier Foundation/ Research4Life (R4L) Grants with funding from the Elsevier Foundation. From 2016 to 2021, twenty-five grants were awarded. These grants supported HINARI/R4L training activities which promoted the use of the programs’ scientific research resources in emerging/low-income countries. The grants benefited users by allowing them to obtain skills to effectively and efficiently use the HINARI/R4L resources and become a training resource for their institutions or country. 

This grant was an expansion of the Elsevier Foundation funded Librarians without Borders®/E-library Training Initiative that conducted HINARI/R4L training activities and developed/updated training material since January 2007. The MLA objective was to develop a community of librarians and information professionals that would continue to support HINARI/R4L training and related development of instructional material.

  • Find more information on MLA’s global initiative at the Librarians without Borders® web page and blog.
  • Discounted MLA Membership fees are offered to international health information practitioners from HINARI-eligible Group A or Group B countries.  

Past Recipients