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MLA ’20 Annual Business Meeting

About the Meeting | AgendaCounting the Quorum | FAQ

About the Meeting

Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m., central

MLA Annual Business Meeting and Presidential Address

MLAConnect Article

Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, the MLA Board of Directors approved changing the May 19, 2020, annual business meeting to a virtual format. 

During the meeting members have the opportunity to add their voices to the important business of governing MLA. The meeting will include reports from MLA’s treasurer and executive director, announcement of election results, approval of community annual reports, and information about the state of the association and future initiatives.

Voting members: Log in to access your attendance link below. The meeting link and password has also been sent to you via email. If you did not receive an email with this information by May 12, please make sure your MLA profile “private email address” is correct and contact us to receive a direct response with the meeting information.


MLA Annual Business Meeting
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m., central


1. Welcome
2. Presidential address: Julia Esparza, AHIP
3. President's Awards
4. MLA vConference
5. Business Meeting

a. Quorum Count
b. Call to Order  
c. Adoption of Special Rules of Order
d. Adoption of the Agenda
e. Presentation of 2019/20 Board of Directors
f. Treasurer's Report: Shannon D. Jones, AHIP
g. Executive Director's Report: Kevin Baliozian, CAE
h. Annual Report
i. Recognition of Retiring Directors
j. Recognition of Past President
k. Announcement of Election Results
l. Recognition of Outgoing President
m. Presentation of 2020/21 Board of Directors
n. Resolutions
o. New business
p. Call to adjourn

5. Incoming Presidential address: Lisa K. Traditi, AHIP

How MLA Will Count the Quorum During the Business Meeting

The MLA Bylaws require a quorum of 200 members for the transaction of business. To facilitate the counting of votes in a face-to-face meeting, voting paddles are provided to voting members attending the annual meeting. In this virtual meeting, MLA will count the quorum using the electronic software technology licensed by the Association.

In support of the May 19th groundbreaking “virtual” business meeting, MLA Parliamentarian Chris Shaffer reviewed the MLA Bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order, the Motion to hold the 2020 Business Meeting Online, various documents related to the conduct of previous MLA meetings, MLA’s Parliamentary Procedures, and Sample Rules for Electronic Meetings by the authors of Robert’s Rules.

The Parliamentarian’s assessment, which is supported by the MLA Bylaws Committee, is that holding the MLA 2020 Annual Business Meeting electronically on May 19, 2020 complies with the bylaws and parliamentary rules. The Parliamentarian and the MLA Bylaws Committee have recommended that MLA follow the following procedures for counting a quorum.

Before the Business Meeting:

  • MLA headquarters sent an email invite to MLA members on May 1
  • Members were asked to RSVP to estimate quorum count (more than 370 members have indicated they will attend)
  • MLA Bylaws require a quorum of 200 to conduct business
  • The quorum information is published on this page

On May 19, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Central Time:

  • Members will log-in using the pre-assigned password sent to them in a May 12th email (and also available to Voting Members above)
  • The moderator will monitor log in counts and names of participants
  • The moderator will share the quorum count with the Sergeant-at-Arms & Parliamentarian
  • The Sergeant-at-arms will announce the quorum count
  • The President opens the meeting



Further answers will be added as members pose questions. Ask a question!

Q: Why are we having the annual business meeting in May?

A: Usually the programming for the annually held full MLA meeting includes the association’s annual business meeting. But according to MLA’s Bylaws,

  • “The Association shall hold annually, usually in the spring, a regular meeting of the members for the transaction of general business.” (Article VI, Section 1);
  • “Elected officers shall take office at the close of the Annual Meeting following their election.” (Article IV, Section 1.B)
  • Both elected officers and appointed volunteers (e.g., board members and caucus chairs; committee chairs and members) agree to serve for terms that end May 31 of the year in which they leave service. Newly elected officers agree to serve for their terms of service beginning June 1. The May 19 meeting date ensures there will be no gaps or vacancies in MLA’s leadership.

Q: Does this mean there will not be an August meeting and MLA ’20 will be fully virtual?

A: Actually, that is correct! As of Friday, May 8, MLA is planning on MLA '20 being a completely virtual meeting and exhibit.

Q: Does this mean there will be no other official MLA business conducted during the MLA '20 vConference?

A: Correct--there will be no official MLA Business Meeting during the MLA '20 vConference.


Experience Timeline

MLA20 Timeline.png

Schedule (subject to change)

MLA20 schedule.png

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