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Latinx Caucus

Members: 141     Discussions: 821     Files: 19

Recognizing that Latinx comprise 16.3% (U.S. Census, 2010) of the US population but are disproportionately underrepresented by the broader health community, our purpose is to lead efforts to acknowledge and address issues related to or affecting Latinx.

Our goals are to:

  1. Support and promote successful programs addressing health issues unique to Latinx;
  2. Focus on diversifying the profession through scope and representation consistent with the demographics of Latinx communities by developing programs in mentoring and leadership for Latinx Librarians;
  3. Advocate for Latinx inclusion in library and scientific research to increase Latinx representation in publications, policies, and decisions;
  4. Establish meaningful partnerships with individuals, caucuses, professional organizations, and community organizations aligned with our purpose;
  5. Provide leadership directed at recruiting, retaining, and supporting diverse librarians;
  6. Create repository of information on the expert skills and special talents and abilities of minority, particularly Latinx, librarians in MLA;
  7. Assist medical librarians and information professionals recognize and understand dynamics of Latino culture, including the diversity within Latinx populations;
  8. Help identify best practices in building collection and information resources in libraries and information centers to address Latino community health information needs; and
  9. Support the provision of public services to the Latinx populations that our MLA constituency serves.

Caucus Statement

Official Statement Regarding Police Brutality: The MLA Latinx Caucus wrote a statement in condemning acts of police brutality and in solidarity with the African American Medical Librarians Alliance (AAMLA) Caucus. Select the link to read the statement and call to action list.

Caucus Projects

The MLA Latinx Caucus has worked on the following collaborative projects in partnership with other MLA members and caucuses:

  • COVID-19 Spanish Language Resources: This guide was created by the MLA Latinx Caucus to gather Spanish-language resources in support of the Medical Library Association’s (MLA) efforts to gather COVID-19 information for health information professionals, patients and the public. This guide was active from April 2, 2020 - April 9, 2020. Please refer to the MLA Guide for the most up to date list of resources.
  • Task Forces: The MLA Latinx Caucus has four task forces currently underway, Caucus Programs Task Force, Member Engagement/ Outreach Task Force, Research & Scholarship Task Force, and the History & Governing Documents Task Force. If you would like to join a task force, please contact the chair of each task force. Work in Progress
  • Hispanic/Latinx MeSH Terms: Recommended changes to existing medical subject headings related to Hispanic/Latinx populations. This document also puts forth recommendations for new medical subject headings. Maintained by the Medical Library Association Latinx Caucus. Work in Progress
  • Hispanic/Latinx Search Hedges: Recommended search strategies to use when searching for biomedical and health sciences related information on the Hispanic/Latinx population. Maintained by the Medical Library Association Latinx Caucus.
    Work in Progress

Connect with Us!

We invite you to join us on other platforms also managed by the MLA Latinx Caucus:

  • Twitter: Connect with us at @medlibslatinx, the official Twitter account of the MLA Latinx Caucus. Be sure to also use the hashtag #medlibslatinx whenever sharing tweets about the caucus or latinx librarianship in the medical/health sciences.
  • Facebook: Connect with us on at LatinX Caucus of the Medical Library Association

Latinx Leaders 

Aida Miro-Herrans
Chair; Community Council Alternate
Naomi Bishop, AHIP
University of Arizona
Ruby L Nugent
National Jewish Health
Immediate Past Chair; Community Council Representative