Consumer Health: Developing Collection Management Guidelines for an Embedded Consumer Health Library
Submitted by Mira Geffner, Bay Area Cancer Connections, Palo Alto, CA; edited by Jana LiebermannThis summer, it has been my task to develop a collection…
International News
Submitted by Katie D. McLean, AHIP CADTH and Partners Hold Rapid Review Summit The Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH), British Columbia…
Social Media: Librarians without Limits? Twitter Can Help
Submitted by Caitlyn Ford, Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health (CADTH), Ottawa, ON, Canada; edited by Lara Killian, AHIP Check out the video…
Internet Resources: Aerospace Medicine
Submitted by D. Garon Bailey, Franzello Aeromedical Library, US Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, and Maureen Humphrey-Shelton, AHIP, Robley…
Submitted by Donald Welch What Is Critical Librarianship? A plethora of conferences have already met or will occur in 2015 on critical librarianship. Also known…
Honoring Our Past
Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA MEDLARS was a magical word in the 1960s. The idea that a machine could produce a bibliography with…
MLA Historical Marker to Be Installed in Philadelphia
Submitted by June H. Fulton, FMLA, and Daniel Kipnis, Philadelphia Regional Chapter of MLA During 2015, its 117th anniversary year, MLA will celebrate a novel…
The Ins and Outs of Getting In, Out, and About in Austin
Submitted by Michele Whitehead, Publicity Chair, and Catherine Pepper, Chair, MLA ’15 Local Assistance Committee Are y’all getting ready to come to Austin? Your 2015…
MLA’s Librarians without Borders® E-Library Training Initiative Activities, 2014
Submitted by Lenny Rhine, FMLA, Coordinator, Librarians without Borders® E-library Training Initiative With a two-year renewal from the Elsevier Foundation’s Innovative Libraries Grants in Developing…
MLA’s Consumer Health Information Specialization Recipients
Congratulations to the following individuals who have received MLA’s Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS) from October 2014 through December 2014. MLA’s CHIS program is a…
MLA Mentoring Database
Submitted by Amy Blevins, Chair, Professional Recruitment and Retention Committee Was one of your New Year’s resolutions to reach out to new members or librarians?…
Internet Resources: Resources for Supporting and Sustaining Community Outreach
Submitted by Jon Goodell, AHIP, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Region, Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library, Houston, TX; edited by…
International News
Submitted by Katie D. McLean, AHIP Cochrane EMBASE Screeners Reach 100,000 Records As of December 2014, a little over 100,000 records have been screened by…
Honoring Our Past
Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA In 1946, Dorathea W. Friedrich wrote an article on “The Effect of the War upon Medical Libraries and…
Submitted by Donald Welch Medical MOOCs If getting conversant, maybe even erudite, on a topic is something desired, then going to one of a number…
Editor’s Note
Laurie L. Thompson, AHIP, FMLA, Editor, MLA News I’m excited to announce a new column this month: “Social Media,” edited by Lara Killian, AHIP. In…
Consumer Health: Helping the Military Community: The Brickell Library Outreach Initiative at Eastern
Submitted by Ruth M. Smith and Judith Mercer, Brickell Medical Sciences Library, Eastern Virginia Medical School–Norfolk; edited by Jana C. Liebermann The Eastern Virginia Medical…
Chapter News: New York-New Jersey Chapter Meeting
Submitted by Roberta Bronson Fitzpatrick, Chair, New York-New Jersey Chapter; edited by Jennifer K. Lloyd, AHIP “Creating Collaborations: How Did They Do That?” was the…
Technology: Uses of Research Networking Systems
Submitted by Diana Nelson Louden, Health Sciences Library, University of Washington–Seattle; edited by Jean M. Gudenas Numerous research networking systems (RNSs) have been developed [1],…
Filling the Half-Empty Glass: Boosting MLA Education
MLA’s strategic goal #3 is all about education, and how to seriously raise the bar on how we support you in your professional development. Just…