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Learn more about who we are, what we do, our leaders, staff, planning, membership, and history.
Connect with the expert colleagues and innovative skills you need to advance your career.
MLA’s communities work on association initiatives and provide support, knowledge-sharing, and communication for health information professionals.
The health information profession provides access to and delivers accurate, relevant,and targeted information that improves patient care and supports education, research, and scholarly communication.
MLA members share their expertise with the public, other health information professionals, and members through a variety of resources, from recommended websites for patients and caregivers to the open access peer-reviewed Journal of the Medical Library Association.
MLA annual conferences further the association’s mission to support the profession. Each year MLA members and others gather for professional development, networking, presentations, exhibits, and much more.
MLA offers professional continuing education courses and other career development programs for practicing health sciences librarians, recent graduates, nurses, and others.
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