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Official Meeting Blogger: Posters

One of the highlights of my annual meeting experience is always the chance to see the poster presentations. These posters represent the initiatives of health sciences librarians across the country and offer a wealth of ideas. MLA ’19 offers over 170 posters to view. All types of health sciences libraries are represented.

I find that the poster sessions help to stimulate my own thinking and creativity. As I see some of the projects other librarians have undertaken, I’m encouraged to think about what I can do in my own library. Presenters are usually eager to explain their work and share their experience. They can become invaluable resources as you think about how to develop related ideas or adapt their efforts to your own library. New connections and new friendships can often grow from these interchanges.

For me, the poster presentations represent the drive to continue to find new ways to improve our services and assist our patrons. How can you not feel motivated and inspired after viewing them?

Find all MLA '19 Elevate blog posts here

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