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Hone Your Leadership and Management Skills at the Managing from the Middle MLA ’19 Continuing Education Symposium

mla19logo.jpgAre you looking to improve your leadership and management skills? The Managing from the Middle: Learning to Lead from Where You Are symposium is a great place to start! You may be familiar with Harvard’s Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians. Joan Gallos, one of the Harvard institute’s faculty members, will present the keynote talk at the symposium. An award-winning educator, author, and academic leader, she will share wisdom and practical advice gained from a professional lifetime of learning and living as a leader in higher education.

You will also have an opportunity to hear from five of MLA’s own leadership experts—Rikke Sarah Ogawa, AHIP, Shalu Gillum, AHIP, Shannon D. Jones, AHIP, Erinn Aspinall, AHIP, and Christine Willis, AHIP—in facilitated discussions and interactive exercises. All this, and lunch too! There will be lunch roundtables on topics such as budget planning, grant funding, space planning and renovation, and more. The symposium is designed to leave you with skills in addressing diversity and inclusion, guiding staff through transitions and change, transforming difficult relationships, composing compelling communications, and other skills, soft and hard, that will help you elevate your career!

The symposium will be held on Saturday, May 4, 10:00 a.m.–4:15 p.m. Learn more about the symposium and other continuing education offerings in Leadership & Management and the other MLA competencies.

Register for a CE course and MLA ’19.

Add a CE course to your registration:

  1. Open your Registration Confirmation - MLA ’19 Annual Meeting.
  2. Scroll down to “Manage My Registration,” and click where indicated.

Contact Debra Cavanaugh for more information.

Find all MLA ’19 Elevate blog posts here.

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