This Week on MLANET (11/7/2024): Alphabet Soup, Membership Dues, Invoices & Receipts

Live Applications

In our alphabet soup of applications, all AHIP (Academy of Health Information Professionals) and IPR (Individual Participant Request) forms are now active:

Instead, if approved, these courses are added to your MEDLIB-ED transcript and do not need to be re-approved if used for more than one application.

In Process Applications

  • Specialization Applications (CHIS, DSS, SRSS) available shortly.
  • RTI (Research Training Institute) application available shortly.
  • Grants, Scholarship, and Fellowship applications (December).

MLA Membership Dues

In September 2024, the Board of Directors, on recommendation from the MLA Finance Committee, approved an MLA dues increase for all membership categories, ranging from 3.8% to 4.9%. While this does not increase dues at the rate of inflation MLA experienced with costs, it will help balance the budget in 2025. Find all dues information on MLANET.

Printable Invoices or Receipts

Print an order receipt or invoice

If you choose to pay by check or if your institution requires an invoice before payment, you can now print an invoice/receipt immediately or later from your “Orders” area.