MLANET This Week (8/1/2024)
Now Available
- Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP) Roster
- Current Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS) Recipients
- Current Data Services Specialization (DSS) Recipients
- Current Systematic Review Services Specialization (SRSS) Recipients
- Current Disaster Information Specialization (DIS) Recipients
Coming Soon
Forms! We’ve been recently testing how to allow you to “Save and Return” to application forms—and think we have it! We’ll be updating these over the next few weeks. This will be especially important for those wishing to submit AHIP, specialization, and course approval for MLA CE forms.
Along with saving and returning to a form (30-day window), we’re also streamlining the workflows to ease passage of your applications through screening and to committees that review and approve applications. We’re also working on bulk purchasing options for institutions, especially for upcoming webinars
Login Trouble: Members and Users with Multiple Accounts
Because we are combining the old MLA system and the old LMS into a single system, we are finding that some of you have 2 or even three accounts. We get it: it was the weekend, you didn’t have time to wait on us for an answer, you joined MLA when you moved to a new institution and created a new account with your new email.
Multiple accounts become complicated when there are activities, purchases, courses & credits spread across multiple accounts—and even if you deliberately tracked CE under one account and had your membership and meeting registrations under another. In this combined system, however, that is not possible.
The “one email to rule them all” enables you to ensure you receive discounts properly, that we have the most recent information to communicate with you, and that all your data resides safely in your record.
If you are having trouble logging in, please tell us the email you want to use, or have been trying. We will investigate to see if there are multiple accounts or whether we just need to change your email address. PLEASE do not create new accounts.
“Where can I change my email address?” Currently, only by contacting us. This lets us investigate the possibility of multiple accounts, or to change the email in your record for you. When you change your email, you will need to reset your password again and verify the new email address. The system does not record if you used it before, switched, and want to switch back.
Update and New Information on MLA Communities
We have tweaked the email subjects for communities away from the generic “[MLA] New Post in <community name>” to “[MLA] New Post: <subject of post> in <community name>”. We hope this provides you a better view on the subjects your colleagues are posting.
And, thanks to cues from members and some additional testing, we have a few new instructions about community posts.
- If you are following email and see “New Post” with a subject you are not interested in, do nothing—you will not receive anything more about that subject.
- If you see “New Post” and it IS a subject about which you want to receive follow-up notifications, visit that post and select the “subscribe” button to the right of the post (desktop) or under the post (mobile).
- Follow-up conversations will have a subject line [MLA] New Reply to <subject of original post> in <community>
- If you post something in your community and want to see if others reply, check the “Notify me of new replies” box at the bottom of the post interface and you will automatically be “subscribed” to that post.
These steps will keep your inbox cleaner and targeted to your interests.
Still having trouble? Want to report link rot? Have a suggestion? Please visit our Support page!