MLA Dental Caucus Statement
We, the leadership of the Dental Caucus, condemn racism in all its forms. We seek to create an inclusive environment in our caucus and are committed to doing the work needed to fight for greater diversity, inclusion, and justice within the caucus, within MLA, and within the larger American and Canadian societies. Our hearts are with our Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and First Peoples members, and we are committed to doing the work of being allies. We also recognize how we act and are impacted as individuals by anti-Black racism and its pervasiveness in our society. We are here for you, and we want to help. If you have immediate needs, please let us know.
Amanda Nevius, Chair, on behalf of the full Dental Caucus Leadership:
Nicole Theis-Mahon, AHIP, Immediate Past Chair
Erica Brody, Chair-Elect
Natalie Clairoux, Community Manager
Alissa Fial, Secretary