EFTS Update: February 27, 2020
Your MLA Electronic Funds Transfer System (EFTS) team has been hard at work to implement the new EFTS.
Latest news
- 610 libraries have completed their EFTS user agreements.
- 210 libraries are in the process of completing their EFTS user agreements. MLA will automatically extend the expiration date of the DocuSign document (most are set at March 2, 2020) to allow longer processing times (no action required by you).
- University of Connecticut (UConn) Health is currently processing 545 payments for the $275 activation fee for the libraries that have requested the fee be paid out of their current EFTS accounts at UConn Health. This takes time, so thank you for your patience.
- MLA will send out the invoices for the $275 activation fee for the libraries that have requested to be invoiced by end of March 2020.
- The National Library of Medicine (NLM) and MLA have worked out the details of the integration between DOCLINE and EFTS, and are implementing it.
- MLA and its software developer have finalized the technical specifications, are reviewing wireframes, and are proceeding with programing.
Regarding the EFTS user agreement
- If you have requested a user agreement but have not received it, it is likely that you are not receiving the DocuSign email. Please contact MLA.
- MLA will not individualize the user agreement, as it is too onerous for MLA to manage. MLA will consider completing a vendor form if that is absolutely necessary.
- We encourage you to use the e-signing option: e-signing contracts takes MLA one minute to process versus ten minutes for manual ones (specific vendor forms take much longer). Efficient use of MLA administration time is essential to keep EFTS going.
Regarding your UConn Health balance
- Please make sure that you have a sufficient balance in your UConn Health EFTS account to pay the activation fee (if that is your request) and to stay with a positive balance for your interlibrary loan (ILL) borrowing transactions.
- Any positive balance at the time of the system transition will be transferred to your MLA EFTS account if you requested it, with no action needed on your part.
Regarding EFTS system transition
The programing, testing, and implementation will go beyond April 2020 (possibly up until the end of June 2020). As we advance in the process, we will provide a specific timeline for all steps involved in the transition.
The UConn Health EFTS will remain operational until the MLA EFTS is ready.
DOCLINE eligibility requirements changes
NLM’s DOCLINE Team has announced revised DOCLINE Eligibility Guidelines and Library Responsibilities. The most significant change is the number of journals required to join DOCLINE, which has been reduced to ten, enabling more libraries to participate.
Interested libraries that meet the eligibility criteria can sign up via the application form. DOCLINE web pages have been updated to reflect this change.
For information on the MLA EFTS, please go to the web page or contact MLA.