Congratulations to the 2018 RTI Fellows!
MLA is pleased to announce the 2018 Research Training Institute (RTI) Fellows! The fellows will attend the first RTI in Chicago from July 9–13, 2018. The first cohort were chosen by a selective submission process with an emphasis on a desire to learn, enthusiasm for research, and the quality and promise of their proposed research projects. Congratulations!
The 2018 RTI Fellows are:
- Janene Batten, Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT
- Helen-Ann Brown Epstein, AHIP, FMLA, Health Sciences Library, Virtua, Mt Laurel, NJ
- Amelia Brunskill, Library, University of Illinois–Chicago
- Kathy Davies, Greenblatt Library, Augusta University, August, GA
- Carrie Grinstead, AHIP, Library, Providence St. Joseph Health, Burbank, CA
- Margaret Hoogland, AHIP, Mulford Health Sciences Library, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
- Melissa K. Kahili-HeedeHealth Sciences Library, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii–Manoa, Honolulu, HI
- Liz Kellermeyer, Tucker Medical Library, National Jewish Health, Denver, CO
- Mellanye J. Lackey, Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah–Salt Lake City
- Alicia Lillich, Dykes Library, University of Kansas Medical Center–Kansas City
- Elisabeth Nylander, University Library, Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden
- Robin O’Hanlon, Krausz Library of Podiatric Medicine, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
- Ariel FitzGerald Pomputius, Health Science Center Library, University of Florida–Gainesville
- Rebecca Roth, Medical Library, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University–Miami
- Elizabeth Suelzer, MCW Libraries, Medical College of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
- Holly Jean Thompson, NIH Library, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
- Whitney A. Townsend, Taubman Health Sciences Library, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
- Mary White, AHIP, Health Sciences Library, University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
- Natasha Williams, AHIP, Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library, University of Central Florida–Orlando
- Laura Zeigen, AHIP, OHSU Library, Oregon Health & Science University–Portland
See MLANET for more information on the Fellows.