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Teaching Topics to Try from MLA’18

What do VR, RDM, SM, OR, and FT have in common? All made appearances in a single contributed content section for Instruction and Instructional Design on Tuesday, May 22 at MLA’18.

Five presentations given within an hour and a half led to some of these key take-a-ways:

  • Students who experienced life as a 74-year-old with macular degeneration through virtual reality referred to it as “eye opening” and began to understand how aging patients could feel frustrated and misunderstood. The VR experience uses Embodied Labs and takes place on the Biddeford campus library of the University of New England Library Services.
  • Librarians can teach much more than searching, including research data management skills, social media best practices and online professionalism, and statistical literacy (e.g. understanding odds ratios, number needed to treat, and more). If you feel uncertain about the last one, you may find Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data helpful.
  • Some students perceive finding full-text articles as a major frustration when completing a paper and may also benefit from tips on reading scientific articles.

If you missed some of the contributed content sessions, you can access them from the Online Program Planner if you registered for the conference. It is also not too late to register for the MLA’18 e-conference.

Finally, as a member of the subcommittee for paper contributions for MLA’19 in Chicago, I invite you to submit your research/demonstration projects. Look for a call for abstracts later this year!

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